I hereby apply for membership in the Common Sense Self Defense group (hereafter referred to as “the Association”), a private membership Association, and with the choice made by clicking the “join” link I accept the offer to become a member and I express my agreement with the following declaration and memorandum of understanding.


  1. The Association of members hereby declares that our primary purpose is to educate, maintain and protect our right as citizens to self defense.
  2. As members we affirm our belief that the constitution of the United States guarantees all Americans, particularly members of private associations, the right of freedom of Association, speech, assembly, belief, and associated activities. These are our inalienable rights .
  3. We claim our freedom to choose and accept for ourselves the type of activities and the type of companions that we think are best.
  4. We further declare and assert the right two select whoever can be expected to give us the wisest counsel and advice, regardless of their training or licensing status.
  5. We assert these rights under the United States national and state constitutions, national and state laws, and the regulations interpreting them.

Memorandum of understanding

I understand that the educational material produced in the Common Sense Self Defense course and by Common Sense LLC are proprietary and are for my edification alone and should not be shared.

I agree to not only personally refrain from using this knowledge in an unlawful manner, but I agree with Common Sense LLC’s insistence in excluding those who are hostile to the liberties guaranteed in the U.S. Constitution and are likely to use the techniques in an aggressive and predatory or unlawful manner.

I agree that it is my personal responsibility to practice in a safe manner what I have been taught and agree to refrain from using it except in the pursuit of self defense.  Thus, I agree to hold harmless the Association and member- facilitators from any unintentional liability that might result from the advice or services I receive, except for the harm that could remotely result from an instance of a “clear and present danger of substantive evil” as determined by the Association and as defined by the United States Supreme Court.

Thus, I agree not to file civil or criminal lawsuits against a fellow member, unless that member exposes me to a clear and present danger of substantive evil.

I recognize that no methods of self defense are foolproof. If I choose to use these techniques in the defense of myself or others, I accept the risk of harm. I assert my right of informed consent.

I enter into this agreement of my own free will, or on behalf of a designated dependent, without any pressure or promise of benefit.

I affirm that I do not represent any state or federal agency whose purpose it is to regulate these activities.

I accept that membership does not entitle me to any voting interest in the Association. I also acknowledge that I am not liable for any debts, liabilities, suits or judgments against the Association.

This document consists of my entire agreement for membership and it supersedes any previous agreement I may have made.

The term of membership begins with the date of the acceptance of this agreement and continues until the dissolution of this Association or until termination of membership by the Association, if I should violate the rules herein.